Saturday, March 31, 2007

Cracker: Ahhh!! thunder & lightning!! i hate it, i shivered so much tt i begged mummy and jie jie to carry me..but i like jie jie carry me ! hee..cox she is fleshy lei..haha..then jie jie put me on her bed, i hid one side..too scared le.. but everything got ok after tt..hahas..

Cookie & Cracker : *SNORE*

Katherine : 2 rascals slping soundly, after their nice meals , my mum cooked fishes for them. oh, bw..this is my mum's bed..they love it!

Cherie: jie jie..why my hair so short..i don like la, make me look so blur and ugly la! sob...but i also dun care la..i onli wan jie jie give me good food, no wonder i got so fat these days..mummy said need to lose weight liao..sob..i wan food la!!

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