Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Cookie : Today jie jie came home and took lots of picture of me and Cherie, i know i very handsome~ *Ahem* Anyways, lets enjoy my pictures ok? heee..

Cookie : jie jie, why this kind of picture again?!

Katherine : I always love this kind of pose! LOL!! Esp with that wide smile of urs!

Cookie: ok, Whatever!

Cookie : Is there anything to eat today? I am bored, can u play with me instead of taking so many pictures of me?

Cookie : Time to eat already?

Cookie : I will just pose nicely for jie jie then i can get GREAT FEAST right?

Cookie : Are u done yet?

Cookie : ......

Cookie : Jie jie's pillow is the best~

Cookie : What?

Cherie : What bout me?? I want my own post toooo.. JIE JIE!!

Katherine : ok ok, Relax! Will do it tomorrow~ I will post ur picture of u when u were a puppy ok?

Cherie : Yeahh~ *Looking forward~ *

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Cookie : Mummy keep saying that i am naughty and keep creating trouble, but i am not! I am totally sweet to my family members, esp jie jie, i love her very much.. I always kissed her, but nowadays, she kept pushing me away saying i smelled bad.. sob.. but its ok, i still love her very much~

Katherine : I still love u no matter what~ Just stop OVER Kissing me! too over already!!

Our only successful and nice picture of us~ =)

Cherie : Why am i being wrapped up? Is it winter here?

Cherie : Can u just move inside abit! Am dropping!

Katherine : Tsk tsk tsk...

Cherie : Coooool.....

Katherine : Its so unglam!!

Cookie: Where are we going?

Cookie : I Will appreciate it if jie jie can take my photo properly!

Katherine : Oppss..

Cookie : Going back from the doctor, sob.. i got a jab that time..

Cherie : This chair is mine!!


Katherine : Yes, its been a lonnnnggggg time since i blogged bout them.. lol, dont worry people they are fine ( Wonders if anyone even read) ~ Well, i did receive a feedback saying that this blog is cute, so i shall keep it going, and wish more viewers will read ~ Of course, this is also a blog that i would like to keep up because it just contains all my darlings cute and lovely moments~ so shall we begin? lol

Cookie : Mummy bought us stupid donkey which i hate it sooo much! Because it actually freaked me out with the loud singing and his singing sux!! Oh, it moves at the same time too..

Cherie : Scary..

Cookie: Totally! Mum told jie jie that she bought it to amuse us and want to play with us! But it didnt help at all, i just hate it and i barked at it whole day, in the end i got scolding again from jie jie because i was too noisy.. sob.. can jie jie stop scolding me? I want more treats!!!

Katherine : I will buy it for u , my darling, i still love u so much! alright? =)

Cherie : Below are the pictures of kor kor trying to bite that donkey to death~

Cookie : It is dancing again!! omg! His singing just freaked me out! Why is it moving when u touched him?

Cookie : Why does it stop moving ? (pokes it , bite it , wanted to see if its moving)

Cookie : Will u just move?!

Katherine : I thought that thing freaked u out? (=.=;)

Cookie : Jie jie , can u make it move? i wanna fight with him!

Cookie : ZzzzZzzZ , I give up, its NOT moving AT ALL! Let me take a nap first..